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Coconut Bulk purchase options from affected areas

Coconut Bulk purchase options from affected areas


We have idendfied coconut bulk souricing oil companies and suppliers who will buy cocobut at market price. 
If you know any farmers who have coconuts to sell, please contact in below numbers. they will arrange for pick up 
and connecting to the buyers ".... Guna -+91 88003 91662   / Himakiran-+91 98409 04244   / Nimal -+971 52 946 9992  ......
Below pictures are our first pick up ....

We have idendfied coconut bulk souricing oil companies and suppliers who will buy cocobut at market price. If you know any farmers who have coconuts to sell, please contact in below numbers. they will arrange for pick up and connecting to the buyers "....

Guna -+91 88003 91662   / Himakiran-+91 98409 04244   / Nimal -+971 52 946 9992  ......

Below pictures are our first pick up ....

Please send WhatsApp first before calling... thanks in advance ....

  25 Nov 2018 10:49 PM
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